Software Development Methodologies
Waterfall – Agile – Scrum – Lean Startup
Traditional approach to software development
Requirement analysis
System Design
Waterfall uses solid documentation and extensive planning.
- Effective in build physical, rigid things that you don’t expect to change much over time.
- You complete one phase before moving to the next phase.
- You rarely aim to revisit a phase once it is complete, so you better get whatever you are doing right the first time.
- You don’t realise any value on till the end of the project.
Agile is not a methodology or a process.
Agile is a main set or set of values.
Agile approaches help team respond to unpredictability through incremental, iterative work cadences and empirical feedback.
Through these work we have come to value:
- Individual and interactions: over processes and tools.
- Working software: over comprehensive documentation.
- Customer collaboration: over contract negotiation.
- responding to change over following a plan.
” Agility is about staying
Successful in ever-changing
Environment “
Is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problem. While productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value.
A user story is used to “facilitate” the functionality of a system but can be used in any environment to ensure that design and development are focus is all user needs. It focus on the who, what and why I never the how.
User stories are structure as the following as a [persona], I want to [goal] so I can [motivation]
Understanding the motivation helps because:
- It gives clarity to why a feature is useful.
- It can influence how our featured should function.
- It can give you ideas for other the useful features that support the users goal!
In an attempt to understand the total is for required to complete a story, boys are a sign. They are a sign using the Fibonacci Sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13)
Lean Startup
Is a methodology for building product through hypothesis driven experimentation, iterative product releases and validate learning.
The most used methodology is the agile scrum, because make reference to a collaborative process of excellence in team effort, through the accomplish of step that defines the scrum S scene.
This method has been design for high performance team in benefit of learning complex productivity project.
In this situation is an uncertainty predict the future of the present. The agile scrum methodology is a support tool for the companies that allows to engage the subject from a global optic and also as a particular matter in function to the moment.

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